Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gearing up for a new writer’s spotlight

It’s nearly that time: time to profile another Constant-Content writer. Check back on November 1st when we’ll spotlight a writer that’s been writing for Constant-Content longer than most.

Monday, October 26, 2009

What is Your Favorite License Type?

Whether you’re a Constant-Content writer or a customer, we all have our individual preferences as far as how we use content. For example, one-time usage articles are terrific, low cost articles for ezines and printed content whereas if you want unique Web content you’re better off with a unique or full rights license. Writers like the fact that they can resell usage articles, love getting a byline with unique licenses, and enjoy the higher sales price of full rights articles. Your thoughts?

Friday, October 9, 2009

74,000 Google Searches for Website Content

According to the Google Keyword Tool, Web surfers entered the phrase “website content” 74,000 times in September. Were you one of them? Where do you get your Web site content? Do you write it yourself? Hire your own writer? Buy articles from sites like Constant-Content? Use free article directories? We’d love to hear your experiences.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Writer Spotlight: The Fabulous Word Gypsy!

If you’ve spent any amount of time exploring the Web site, you’ve likely encountered a writer known as Word Gypsy. This month we’re shining our writer’s spotlight on her. Below is a brief autobiography in the words of Word Gypsy herself:

As a young child, I loved reading the Sunday comics with my father. I enjoyed spending the time with him and the comics were rather amusing. Once I began to read on my own, I constantly read every book that I could get my hands on from the classics to science fiction to biographies to fiction. Coming from a family where public transportation and walking were our main methods of getting around, I would walk an hour and a half round trip just to visit the library and bring home my pile of latest finds. Oh the joys of reading for pure pleasure could not compare to anything else.

Soon after, I took it upon myself to begin writing my own short stories while in eighth grade on a Smith Corona typewriter that I received as a birthday gift. I quickly discovered that this was not my forte at the time. In high school, I moved on to poetry, which I wrote every day instead of listening to the teacher’s presentations. In fact, my first published content happened to be two of my poems dealing with self reflection and emotion. Since then, I have written hundreds of poems on dozens of topics. In all honesty, this is my favorite type of writing, but the opportunity to earn money from it isn’t all that great.

Life went on. I married and had 4 children. Time flew by. As my younger children began to enroll in college, I found myself needing a greater supply of money to pay those exorbitant college tuitions. My oldest daughter had already established herself as a writer for print publications and on several websites including Constant Content. After months of cajoling, I finally took her up on her suggestions that I join and take on the challenge of writing for the Web.

Since my daughter was already signed on as an author, we started a small competition to see which of us could get onto the “Top Selling Freelance Writers” list first. This was back in November of 2005. Kate already had several articles sold, so she had a head start. At the time, the #10 place had something like 68 articles sold. It seemed like too big a challenge, but I was motivated. I wanted to leave my current job and increase my earnings. Plus, it was fun as we egged each other on.

Fortunately for me, Kate had also referred me to one of her outside clients who purchased everything I wrote while allowing me to retain full rights to my articles. I simply placed these on CC for usage rights, responded to every single public request, and wrote every free minute I had. It wasn’t always easy, but it was a successful strategy for me.

After a few months, I finally made it to that coveted #10 spot on the list. I haven’t looked back since. I have, however, crept up that list to the #1 spot where I am quite content to stay. Since I still love writing, it doesn’t take much effort at all but it does take a constant flow of articles- something which I am more than happy to provide. Having already sold thousands of articles on Constant Content, I plan to make this site my home away from home for a long time.

I currently have two novels in the works, plans for a series of short novels, and a project or two in the works. Finding Constant Content has given me another direction with my writing, as well as a belief in my ability to write about almost any topic. Research is critical to a well-written piece. There are a few topics that I won’t touch, but not many. My repertoire of articles comprises an eclectic array of topics including personal finance, beauty, travel, fashion, weddings, relationships, mortgages, loans, gardening, home descriptions, computers, do-it-yourself, real estate, home improvement, pet and animal care, family and parenting, diet and health, romance, unique gifts, trivia, and more. In addition to articles, works include home pages, press releases, poetry, photograph captions, and home descriptions for print publication.

View Word Gypsy's Constant-Content Profile.