Friday, August 28, 2009

Coming up soon, a new writer spotlight!

Getting ready for September and shining the writer's spotlight on another writer - in this case a writing team. I'll let you know when the interview is complete.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I just discovered a fun little Web site, Simply add an RSS feed or copy and paste your text into the box and it will create a unique word cloud based on the words found. The image you see is a word cloud based on the business articles RSS feed from Constant-Content.

Give it a Wordle a try. Not only is it fun, it gives you a sense of the keywords that appear in your text.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The CC Blog

Did you know that Constant-Content has a blog? It does. The CC blog contains a mix of posts by CC staff members with topics ranging from grammar tips to SEO. Periodic updates let writers and customers alike know what's currently going on.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Constant-Content RSS Feeds

Love a Constant-Content writer? Have a specific niche? Whether you have a favorite writer that you want to follow or a specific category, subscribing to a Constant-Content RSS feed makes sense. As soon as a new article meeting your criteria is available, your feed reader will be notified. Subscribe to RSS feeds based on writer or category and be one of the first to find out a new article is available.

Article Agent also posts a few fresh links to Constant-Content articles on Twitter (Follow us at - just a few though. Enough to give you a taste without overwhelming your Twitterstream with tweets.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Constant-Content's Editorial Standards

If you've ever searched for Web content on the Internet, you've likely come across poorly written proposals and articles. Constant-Content also receives its share of poorly written content - but you won't see it thanks to the high editorial standards enforced by the Constant-Content editor.

The writers guidelines are lengthy covering everything from acceptable file formats and fonts to grammar and punctuation expectations. In addition, specific rules are enforced with your needs in mind. For example, hyperlinks are not allowed so you do not need to worry about your purchased article pointing your visitors to another site.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Requesting Content on

If you've used for any length of time, you've likely seen the options for requesting content. You can make either a public request or a private request and receive custom, no-obligation content written to your specifications. With a public request, the request goes out to all registered Constant-Content writers whereas a private request goes out only to the writer that you pick from the list.

Most customers start off making public requests. This allows you to see the work of multiple writers. You'll see which writers are able to consistently deliver what you are looking for. As you become familiar with the different writers and their styles, you may find one that really grasps what you need and is able to reliably supply you with exceptional content. That's where private requests come in.

The request system is a neat system that eliminates bidding and reviewing samples. Instead of bids, resumes, and proposals, the articles speak for themselves.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Who Buys Content from

There's something for everyone available for sale on Constant-Content! Whether you're a blogger that wants short, fresh content for your blog or a webmaster needing hundreds of articles, tutorials, or reviews, you will find plenty of high quality articles available. Plus, if you have special needs, submit a request for content and the writers will start writing articles for your consideration.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Writer Spotlight - Celeste Stewart

Celeste Stewart has been selling articles via Constant-Content since January 2006. "I was instantly hooked," Celeste said. "I sold my first article within days of submitting it and I haven't looked back since."

Since that fateful winter day, Celeste has sold thousands of articles through the Constant-Content Web site. "It started out as a fun way to earn a little extra money and then morphed into a full blown career. Even though I write day in, day out, writing remains fun."

Though she writes about a variety of topics, Celeste has found her niche writing about technology. Not only does she write articles and Web content, she also writes training manuals, tutorials, press releases, and copy for marketing materials.

When asked about her favorite article, Celeste responded with a laugh, "I can't say it was my best article ever, but one of my favorite articles was about $40,000 handbags. It was inspired by my mom's obsession with expensive purses. I also enjoyed writing Punctuation: What it Does and Why it Matters."

Celeste was quick to point out her most challenging writing assignment to date: a training manual explaining service management and IT Infrastructure Library concepts. "I don't mind tackling difficult topics," she said. "But I do like to lighten things up after completing a particularly hard assignment."

With topics ranging from high fashion to IT infrastructures, you have to wonder if Celeste has a nemesis. "Definitely. A client wanted me to write a series on Six Sigma and I simply could not wrap my brain around that one - even with a husband who's an expert on the subject readily available to help. I declined that project because I would not have been able to do the topic justice. If you can't truly grasp a topic, you have no business writing about it."

While Celeste has built a reputation for writing non-fiction, she also has a passion for a good story. "I have two young adult novels in the works," she said. "Writing a book from start to finish is an incredible accomplishment and a valuable learning experience. I think that I will always be working on a novel, no matter where I happen to find myself professionally in the non-fiction world."

If Celeste Stewart's smile looks remarkably like that of the Article Agent, your hunch is correct: Celeste Stewart is the mastermind behind the Article Agent concept. As one of's biggest fans, Celeste began tweeting RSS feeds about the latest articles available for sale - from all Constant-Content writers, not just herself. "There's such a huge pool of talent over at CC. I want the world to know about it!"

View Celeste Stewart's articles for sale.

Excerpts: Why can't I see the whole article?

Each individual writer makes the decision whether to display the article in its entirety or to post excerpts. Constant-Content requires that at least one third of the article is posted so that potential buyers can get a sense of the article's direction and style. Many writers will indicate that what you are seeing is an excerpt or sample while others don't. If you're reading an article and it appears to end with no real conclusion, it's most likely an excerpt.

The word count gives you a clue as to whether or not what you are viewing is the complete article or a sample. Complete samples are fairly obvious in that the display shows you an article with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Why do some writers opt not to put the full article on display? Good question. Some may be concerned with driveby plagiarism (though Constant-Content does have measures in place to combat the threat). Others are simply following the submission instructions that say to post at least a third of the article. Others believe that potential customers should be able to see the whole article and choose to post the entire piece.

If you're viewing an excerpt and want to see the rest of the article before you buy, consider using the "Contact Author" feature to ask the writer to show you the rest of the article. Most writers will be more than happy to accommodate your request. You can access this feature by scrolling to the bottom of the sample and clicking on the writer's name. That takes you to the writer's profile page where you will find the "Contact this Author" button.